Reading: Portland Winter Poetry Festival
January 12, 2020, 7–8 PM
Pacific Northwest College of Art
511 NW Broadway
Portland, OR 97209
Event info
Lisa will be reading from The Greenhouse at “Nest,” the festival’s closing event, with fellow readers. Come by Saturday or Sunday, noon to 8 PM, for dozens of workshops, craft talks, interactive writing experiments, and more.
Literary Bingo with Lilla Lit at the Orcas Island Lit Fest Lit Walk
April 17, 2020, 8–9 PM
Orcas Island Lit Fest
Event info
Like a pub crawl, but slightly more sober. With readings. Lisa and cohost Virginia Bellis Brandabur return for more literary bingo madness at what could be the very most gorgeous PNW literary event, with an all-star lineup of Portland writers. Who will read a flashback? A sonnet? The word “panty”? Mark your cards and claim your prizes!
Literary Bingo with Lilla Lit at the Portland Book Festival
November 8, 2019, 7–7:45 PM
Portland Book Festival
CENTRL Office Downtown
1155 SW Morrison Street
Portland, OR 97205
Event info
Lisa and cohost Virginia Bellis Brandabur return for more literary bingo madness with an all-star lineup of Portland writers. Who will read a flashback? A sonnet? The word “panty”? Mark your cards and claim your prizes!
Reading: Annie Bloom’s Books, October 3
Thursday October 3, 2019, 7–8 PM
Annie Bloom’s Books
7834 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR 97219
Event info
Lisa reads at Annie Bloom’s in Multnomah Village with Sara Quinn Rivara, author of Animal Bride.
Reading: One-Page Wednesdays, September 4
Wednesday September 4, 2019, 7 PM
Literary Arts
925 SW Washington Street
Portland, OR 97205
Event info
Lisa reads at One Page Wednesdays with Chelsea Biondolillo, author of The Skinned Bird.
AWP Offsite Event: Literary Bingo

Friday, March 29, 2019
9-10:15 PM
The Big Legrowlski (812 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209)
Join us for a fast and furiously fun hour of Literary Bingo with your hosts, Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet and Virginia Bellis Brandabur. Candy will be flung. Prizes will be won. Bring your best game. Our all-star lineup: Brian Benson, Kate Carroll De Gutes, Rachel King, Ramiza Koya, Margaret Malone, Mary Milstead, Jennifer Perrine, Keith Rosson, Anca Szilagyi, and Valerie Wallace.
AWP Book Signing

Saturday, March 30, 2019
Time TBD
AWP Bookfair, Table #T6072
Lisa will sign copies of The Greenhouse at the Bull City Press table.
Lisa reads at WTAW
Book Lisa for a workshop, reading, or event with your organization.